
Major in Dance


You know how much dance means to you. The unique thrill of performance, the community you’ve found, 也许你的导师比你说的更重要——这些事情将永远是你取得现在成就的重要组成部分. 让我们来谈谈如何帮助你让舞蹈成为你未来更重要的一部分.

我们的社区非常亲密,你会得到个人的关注,从而促进显著的发展. You won’t be the same dancer by graduation — that’s guaranteed. However, 我们有很多资源,你通常会在一个更大的舞蹈学士课程中找到, 包括优秀的设施和获得世界一流的指导,从我们的教师和客座艺术家. When you add it all up, we believe our program is just the right size for ideal growth and student development.

我们有不同的舞蹈学士学位的选择,适合许多不同的舞蹈兴趣和职业道路. 你会发现出国留学的机会为你打开了学习世界各地舞蹈和文化的大门. 这里有很多可供选择的东西,我们只能开始向你展示什么是可能的, but here’s an overview of what we can offer you as a member of the Coker dance community.

Coker University is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD).

Will You Be Auditioning?

你有兴趣申请赌博游戏网站的舞蹈或其他视觉和表演艺术专业的学士学位吗? Learn more about the process and submit your audition through the link below!

Click here to audition

Interested in Summer Courses?

Looking to expand your technique in our Summer Dance Intensive? Find out more about the process and register on the page below!

Learn more about the program

Dance Scholarship Opportunities for You

我们知道,对于许多本科生来说,经济援助是一项重要的优先事项. 赌博游戏网站提供一些最具竞争力的奖学金和援助计划在任何南卡罗莱纳的学校. As a dance student, 你也将有机会申请和试镜各种舞蹈奖学金.



Are you interested in owning a dance studio one day or a career in arts administration? 表演和编舞呢?这些是你想要更详细地探索的东西吗? If any or all of these sound like you, then the Bachelor of Arts in Dance program could be a great fit for your future.

This program is grounded in engaged teaching and will cultivate all your technical, artistic, creative, and scholarly abilities. 许多学生除了对舞蹈的热情和渴望之外,还有其他浓厚的学术兴趣. 对于像你这样的学生来说,这个赌博游戏网站也是一个很好的选择,你可能想要在舞蹈和其他学科上创造一个战略性的双学位. This is the most flexible and widely applicable dance degree option at Coker University.


Dance Education

If you love dance, 那么你可能已经至少有一位导师或老师对你的生活产生了很大的影响. 也许你在考虑回馈社会,在下一代舞者身上投资. 你知道南卡罗来纳的公立学校一直缺乏合格的舞蹈教练吗? 我们的每一位舞蹈教育文学学士毕业生都找到了自己喜欢的工作.

The B.A. Coker大学的舞蹈教育学位将为您提供满足南卡罗来纳州教育部在K-12公立或私立学校教学要求所需的一切. 作为培训的一部分,你将在公立学校观察和协助获得认证的舞蹈教育者. In your final semester, 你将以学生兼教师的身份带头,对你的新职业有更全面的体验.



一些舞者只知道他们必须全力以赴地表演和编舞,追求创造性艺术家的生活或从事相关职业. If this is you, consider Coker’s Bachelor of Fine Arts in Choreography degree program. 你会发现密集的专业培训与全国公认的客座艺术家和教师在科克话剧团. We will give you plenty of space to explore and display your creative work.

Your fundamentals in dance technique, performance, 当我们为你准备与表现相关的工作和研究生水平的进一步学习时,作文将迅速发展. As your dance aesthetic and artistry flourish, we will also refine your technical and creative abilities, as well as your skills for observation, evaluation, and discussing dance as a true scholar.

Each of our degree programs is grounded in engaged teaching, but the B.F.A. in Choreography特别强调创造一个有细心指导和训练的环境, as well as freedom for your artistic growth. 你会发现在我们的社区是一个严肃的承诺,你的成长与教师和同学谁是支持. There is room to value and celebrate everyone’s achievements here.


Dance & Interdisciplinary Studies, Dance Minor

Your dance studies will pair very well with another discipline for an interdisciplinary studies degree. Business, other art forms, 专注于舞蹈或运动疗法——有很多可能的组合会让你获得理想的学士学位. 这是我们赌博游戏网站最大的优势之一:我们对灵活性的承诺, diverse degree options that fit your interests, skills, and plans. With the interdisciplinary studies approach, you can choose what to focus on, but you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 如果你需要帮助,了解如何将你感兴趣的不同事物结合起来, we are always here to help you sort it out and advise you.

Even if it isn’t your major area of study, dance can still be a vital part of your degree through the dance minor option. 它旨在通过舞蹈历史等课程给你一个强大的大学水平的经验和对舞蹈的理解, ballet technique, dance composition, dance improvisation, and more. Coker的指导老师很乐意帮助你在专注于专业课程的同时,把舞蹈作为你关注的一个战略性和充满活力的部分.

Let’s Take a Tour

We are delighted in your interest in the dance program at Coker University. 我们为像你这样的艺术家创造了一个美好的环境,让他们成长,探索你的职业选择,让舞蹈成为你生活中有意义的一部分. Of course, we would love to answer any questions you might have, so you can always reach out to one of our faculty members. 要真正了解这里的社区和我们所能提供的一切,最好的方法就是亲自来看看. Schedule a personal tour and we will show the facilities, give you some one-on-one time with a faculty if you’d like, and answer all your questions. We look forward to meeting you soon.

  • Performance Opportunities

    • Annual Faculty & Guest Artist Dance Concert
    • Student Choreography Showcase
    • Informal Dance Concert (each semester)
    • Coker Repertory Dance Company
    • Senior Thesis Concert
    • Musical Theatre Performances
  • Dance Facilities

    • Mainstage Theater
    • Black Box Theater
    • Two dance studios
    • Pilates Reformer Equipment

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Dance Events

Dances in grey outfits on stage

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